Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev ji (1469 - 1539)

On occasion of Today's Gurpurab.i.e. Birthday Of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, A Great Master, Founder of Sikhism and the First Guru of Sikhs, let us take a look (Re - look) on how Guru Nanak Dev Ji shared to the world, the simple way of living an honest life by doing right deeds and his message for eternity which are still relevant in this modern times too.

More than 500 years have gone by when Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his holy mission to transform world social structure in a way that human society rids itself of all social evils. He preached his followers, the Sikhs, to lead truthful and pious lives and do good to others. He also preached to his Sikhs to inspire others, their near and dear ones and their friends to lead truthful and pious lives and doing good to others so that a wave is created and whole of the nation is transformed into a pious society. This was in fact a message for eternity, for all times to come and a message not only for India but for whole of the world.

Basic concepts of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings :

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings puts main emphasis on righteous living and doing good to the society. According to him, it is through good deeds that a person can reach the door of God. Guru Ji says,

“God rules through His supreme command but His pen flows according to our deeds. His justice is truth and his court is truth” (Ang 1241 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

“For every human being, life means action (work) and God would take His decision on the basis of our good or bad actions” (Ang 1176 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

In fact Guru Ji says that we have got human birth according to our good deeds done in the past births (Ang 18 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji). Also no worship of God can be possible without righteous living and without inculcating good attributes (gunas) in our mind (vin gun keete bhagte na hoe).

The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji revolves around the three most important aspects which are also the foundation of Sikhism :

  1. Kirt Karna (Honest Earning)
  2. Naam Japna (Chanting God’s name in a meditative manner)
  3. Vand ke Shakhna (Sharing with others)

Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis that the principle of “Vand ke Shakna” should be considered as Shukrana of the Creator. The Sikh should feel that it is his duty to help the needy, sick and poor. He should not take pride to have served the less fortunate as their benefactor and protector.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, “A person can judge their closeness to God by sharing their bread with the needy. If this can be done without feeling as if they are doing someone a favor, then they are on the right path and are close to God. Broadcasting their contributions and feeling proud of their “benefactor” image is the ego (ahankar) that denies them the spiritual benefits obtained by remaining humble.”
This is the reason that Sikhs are never seen as beggars. Wherever they live, they live in prosperity under Hukam of the Guru.
“The unique Lord is the Bestower. He is the Giver to all. In His giving, there is no stint.”
The detailed meaning of the above three teachings can be read in my previous article here.
Prevalent Society at Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Time & it's relevance to today’s modern Society :

The teachings of Guru Nanak are very relevant in the modern world, which is presently suffering from a deep moral and spiritual crisis, characterized by religious animosity, unbridled materialism, moral decline, superficial religiosity and misuse of religions and religious symbols. Even if you are not a Sikh, you can still apply his teachings to your daily life and benefit from them immensely, because his teachings transcend social and religious barriers and appeal to us directly as the guiding principles of an ideal human life that can bring out the best in our character and reconnect us with our source.

More important than being born in a Sikh family or wearing the five Ks or visiting a Gurudwara, is adhering to truth, devotion to God, constantly remembering His name, practicing inner purity by overcoming the five enemies of lust, greed, attachment, anger and pride, cultivating selflessness and doing selfless service to humanity.

To realize God you do not have to renounce the world you can lead a normal and ordinary life, as a householder, just as Guru Nanak Dev ji did, doing whatever you are interested in, but with a selfless attitude, keeping your heart and mind filled with devotion to God and dedicating your life to the service of God and His creation. These are the values taught by Guru Nanak. These can be of immense help if we want to focus more on our inner connection with God. Therefore, there is a dire necessity of renaissance of Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji’s message for eternity. I think this can only save the present day society from self destruction.

You do not have to be a Sikh to follow the teachings of Guru Nanak Ji. You just have to understand the meaning of what he taught and the significance of the same and that would be the true respect to the Saint on this Guru Nanak Ji Jayanti.

I leave you with the video which summarizes most of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji here.


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